
Summary: To become a full-stack clinician, I am doing a clinical degree after my engineering BA at Cambridge and working on research & entrepreneurship projects.


To pursue my dream of becoming a full-stack clinician and digital healthcare architect, I have worked with the following dream teams to explore various stages of the “full-stack medicine” pathway.

  • Data generation (third-generation sequencing) at the National University of Singapore (with Chong Group)
  • Multi-omic data analysis (association, diagnosis, risk prediction) at the Wellcome Sanger Institute (with Martin Group).
  • Clinical data analysis at the Moorfields Eye Hospital (with Reading Centre)
  • Machine learning method development and application at the Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine (with van der Schaar Group)
  • Clinical trial design and deployment (app development) with the Cambridge University Hospital (with CCTU)
  • Clinical AI regulation with STARD-AI and QUADAS-AI team
  • A few traditional medical statistics projects involving survival analysis and hypothesis testing


I am learning the business side of medicine with Mansfield Advisors and innovation pathways as an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur. I was involved with the MedTech Foundation as its national program director.


  • Do “drugs” (aka medicine) and engineering at the University of Cambridge
  • Learn Tango
  • Read about an hour a day
  • Tinker with fun coding projects in areas like self-quantification and database management

Last updated 2023-03-08.

The link here contains a list of projects in tabular form (work in progress).

P.S. The reason to list my current projects down is to acknowledge my current collaborators’ help in my learning and development, publicize their great work, and also to let the readers (you) know my current interest and how I may help you. Many projects do not require full-time commitment at the moment.