
The bright side of plots (R plot notes)

Font Font size Font format (e.g. subscripts) Font family Combine plots Helpful packages: Colours 3D rendering Rough plots It will be useful to consult Rmarkdown notes because I often use Rmarkdown to render ggplot. Font Font size Global adjustment (e.g. the default font size is small when rendering with Rmarkdown with ) theme’s basic size See individual adjustment here and also in this RStudio2021 conference talk and this

How to plot a bar plot with bars and labels between tick marks

I had this quesition when preparing my manuscript and a quick search brings me to this stackoverflow question by Johanna. I find the answer by Henrick to be highly effective, but can be further elaborated so that readers can be clearer about the functions of each line. Thus, I will base my post largely on Henrick’s answer but at the same time add my explanation to the rationale behind the lines.